Workin’ In The Coal Mines…

Monday, March 11, 2002

Ever have one of those weekends that, when it’s over, you feel like you need a weekend to recover from it? Well, that’s the kind of weekend we had. Angela & I worked on fixing the ceiling. What a mess. We took lots of pictures, so I’ll post a fully illustrated how-to soon. Yeah, I know, add it to the long list of other things I’ve promised. I’ve been fixing holes in my ceiling, back off… :-)

I made some minor changes to the html & css for News Goat. Nothing, dramatic, just some clean up. But, since things are starting to fall into place, I thought it was time News Goat had the web equivalent of a bar mitzvah. Please direct your attention to the images on your left. That’s right — I’ve finally been validated. This is a proud, proud moment… :-)

Work’s going well. I’m getting to do CCM stuff again, which makes me happy. And Angela is doing some web development, which makes her happy.

I’ve got a lot of stuff to do, whenever this ceiling thing gets finished. I want to redesign Smart Goat and Crafty Goat. I also want to design a couple of new themes for the Mensa site. And, there’s about a half dozen new pages I need to create for both News Goat and OKMensa. Add to that the Mensa party that we, for some strange reason, agreed to host this Saturday. It’s a good thing all this stuff pays so well… :-)