Proud member of the sinister Smart Goat keiretsu.

 Permanent link to: Two Years Two Years

January 7, 2004 01:10 PM

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the first text post on News Goat. I had other blogs before this, on LiveJournal and Slashdot, but News Goat was different because I built it entirely from scratch. Scratch is hard to work with, though, so I eventually switched to Movable Type. And the rest, as they say, isn’t very interesting.

It’s hard to believe I’ve been blogging for almost three years now. I’m still just a beginner, but I enjoy it, and I’ve received a few comments from people who have read News Goat and learned something from what I wrote.

Every so often I promise I’m going to start writing more. Those promises are usually followed by long stretches of silence. I’m not making any promises today, but I do hope to get myself into more of a pattern, so that writing becomes an everyday thing, not an event. If I can do that, maybe I can stay with this another year or so.

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