No Experience Necessary
That's it... as of right now, I'm a corporate accountant. I'm not qualified, but I'm starting to think that doesn't matter. Pay me a couple of million, and 2 + 2 can be absolutely anything you want. Payments and revenue, debits and credits... they're all just numbers. And numbers are interchangable!
What gets me about this is, after everything that has happened in the last few months, they still call these things "accounting errors." That's right, "Enron lied, WorldCom lied, but not us! We made an accounting error! We can't tell the difference between payments and revenue! We're really that dumb!" I'm just so sick of "spin control" I could stay home from work tomorrow. They cheated, everybody knows they cheated, so why not admit it? Just once, I'd like to hear a CEO say, "Sure we knew it was wrong. But, it kept our stock prices up, and we really didn't think anyone would notice. Boy, are our faces red!"
But seriously, if you're looking for a corporate accountant, I'm available for tax season, birthdays, and bah mitzvahs. :-)
Looking For Something?
I just noticed that this page has been heavy on posts, light on interesting content. So, here's my attempt to make amends, at least to anyone interested in CSS: A searchable archive of the css-discuss mailing list. This was announced on the list a few days ago, and just recently made public. It is a wonderful resource for all things CSS.
One other thing about the css-discuss list: Those people never quit! They don't sleep, they don't eat, their entire lives revolve around CSS. While that's handy for me and everyone else on the list, it can't be healthy. Y'all take today off, I'll get caught up, and we'll start fresh again tomorrow. :-)
Shameless Self-Promotion
One can never link to one's self too often... My review at